Arrabal de Tango: Tango por Siempre, 2020
Arrabal de Tango: Tango por Siempre
Valiant Productions, 2020
click above to listen
Tango from their barrios, their neighborhoods, Almagro, Avellaneda, Buenos Aires: Mong-Lan and Enrique Santillán’s new album of tangos
with guitar and voice. Mong-Lan, Vietnamese-born singer and guitarist,
and Enrique Santillán, virtuoso guitarist, from Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, interpret the classic tangos with passion, ingenuity, and brilliance.
Mong-Lan, writer, former Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, Fulbright Scholar, has published seven (7) books of poetry & artwork, three (3) chapbooks, has won prizes such as the Juniper Prize and the Pushcart Prize. Poems have been included in numerous anthologies such as Best American Poetry Anthology and various Norton anthologies. She has finished a novel, with an excerpt in the North American Review.
Mong-Lan plays the piano and guitar, sings in six languages, and also composes. Her ten albums of jazz piano and tangos also showcase her poetry.
As a visual artist, Mong-Lan has had her paintings and photographs exhibited in museums such as the Dallas Museum of Art and galleries in the U.S., and in public exhibitions in Tokyo, Seoul, Bangkok, Bali and Buenos Aires.
Mong-Lan as a dancer has studied ballet, jazz and flamenco, and has specialized as an Argentine tango dancer, performer, and teacher, having over twenty years of tango dance experience, in Buenos Aires, San Francisco, New York City, Houston, Tokyo, Bangkok, Hanoi, and elsewhere.
Mong-Lan left her native Viet Nam on the last day of the evacuation of Sai Gon. Her solo show, Ocean of Senses: Dream Songs & Tangos: one woman's journey from Sai Gon to Buenos Aires via America, blends original poetry, jazz piano, guitar, dance, story and song.


Dusk Aflame: poems & art
January 2018
ISBN-13: 9780982822746
Valiant Press, full-length collection
Poetry and artwork
Tone of Water in a Half-Filled Glass
May 2018, Foothills Publishing, chapbook
ISBN: 978-0-921053-18-7
What's New:
- New album, Arrabal de Tango: Tango por Siempre, Valiant Productions, 2020
- At the AWP (Associated Writing Programs), in San Antonio, March 3, 2020, organizer, moderator and participant of the panel, "The Dancer from the Dance," which includes the #MeToo movement in the literary field. It was a success!
- My Unofficial #AWP20 T-shirts, which was a finalist in this year's competition. I've printed them, limited edition. You can purchase them here.
- Mong-Lan's 7th book of poems, Dusk Aflame: poems & art, Jan. 2018, Valiant Press.
- New chapbook, Tone of Water in a Half-Filled Glass, May 2018, Foothills Publishing.
- Tango album release, Perfumas de Amor, de Argentina y Viet Nam, Tango por Siempre, 2018.
- "The Winding Roads of Poetry & Art" -- blog on Poets & Writer's website on Mong-Lan's upstate New York poetic tour, May 2018.
- Interview: "Award Winning Poet Mong-Lan's artistic journey from Saigon to Buenos Aires to APAP"--January 2017.
- "On the Tango and Buenos Aires" -- for the Best American Poetry website
 Mong Lan
The Unofficial #AWP20 T-shirts, my design which was a finalist. I've decide to print them, limited edition. Buy them below! The Alamo, a symbol of resistance and victory in Texas. The horseman holds an old fashioned ink pen for spear, or bayonet. The light post is also a pen, the pen as light. And, the longhorn, I thought was so cute.) I've had my artwork, drawings, and paintings exhibited in galleries and museums in the U.S. and in public exhibitions internationally.
". . . A true original, unafraid of sentiment and at the height of her artistic prowess, Mong-Lan’s new book proves she remains one of our leading poets.”—Ravi Shankar, editor of Drunken Boat.
For orders shipping overseas, please write Mong-Lan a message. Contact
Buy at Amazon (by purchasing through this link, I may receive commission)
at Barnes & Nobles, at your nearest bookseller or from Mong-Lan
Background drawing of the Mekong river, in Vinh Long, Vietnam, by Mong-Lan, 1996.
Website created on May 19, 2001. Last modified June 2020. |